Biosecurity Kits
Agriculture Victoria
Agriculture Victoria have engaged the services of Wine Victoria to deliver a farm gate biosecurity program targeting wine grape growers located within close geographic proximity to phylloxera “affected” areas.
Strategic Learning
We hope to see greater adoption of standard farm gate biosecurity kits including foot baths, biosecurity signage and simple protocols that managers can follow to increase their awareness of risk pathways development and distribution of a standardised phylloxera disinfestation kit for Victorian vineyards.
Program Obectives
- Improve adoption of farm gate biosecurity measures through the distribution of footwear disinfestation kits and standardised instructional signage to wine grape producers, via industry associations.
- Promote a consistent minimum standard for the industry
- Create greater awareness and uptake of biosecurity across the entire supply chain
- Improve compliance across the industry with the latest farmgate disinfestation practices.