Policy & Issues

Representing our industry

There are many policy areas that affect the industry and are governed by state policy such as bushfire management and controlled burns; tourism and trade programs; planning and regional development; and many areas of biosecurity and agriculture management. Providing a strong, united voice for the sector and representing our industry on these issues is vital for the long-term sustainability of all. In terms of Government engagement and support, the Victorian wine sector is now in its strongest position for more than a decade.

Policy Priorities

Support from the Victorian Government will ensure the industry can thrive – programs and policy advocacy outlined in the submission are intended to ensure our industry is competitive, growing the volume and value in our exports while ensuring employment in regional areas continues to grow.

Budget and Policy Submission 2023-2026


Victoria has 22 distinct wine regions, each with differing varietals and wine styles. While this diversity is seen a great strength for the state, it has also been a challenge to market from a tourism perspective.


Trade development activity is needed to capture Victoria’s share of the opportunities emerging in higher value export markets. The Victorian industry aims to collaborate with Wine Australia to focus trade development efforts on segments where Victoria has a competitive advantage.

Victoria is uniquely positioned to offer a broad range of quality products at all price points, making our offering appropriate in diverse markets. Programs under this platform aim to raise industry export capability and grow the reputation of Victorian wine through stronger and more consistent messaging.


Wine Victoria has formed a skills based, industry lead sub-committee to further the interests of Victorian grape growers, winemakers and wine businesses. The Technical Sub-Committee provides strategic direction and leadership to ensure appropriate resources and technical projects are delivered for the industry’s requirements. The committee oversees all existing technical projects currently running under the auspices of Wine Victoria, as well as developing programs of both Industry R&D and industry information delivery. It seeks to utilise Wine Victoria’s resources for the Victorian Wine Industry’s viticultural and oenological technical needs, specifically in relation to changing climate, changing markets and changing consumer demands.


Wine Victoria recognises that there is a serious and urgent threat to the future of our industry as a consequence of the activities of the anti-alcohol lobby. It is Wine Victoria’s position that industry must work with governments in the short and long term to promote the responsible consumption of wine. Wine Victoria looks to Australian Grape and Wine Inc. to lead industry in this task.

Download the National Alcohol Strategy.


Wine Victoria recommends maintaining the direction and principles articulated in the current extension and adoption MOU and phylloxera funding program, by establishing equivalent research and adaptation programs for the areas of climate change mitigation and adaptation, and sustainable farming.


Wine Victoria continues to engage regularly with the State government and Opposition to advocate for the sector. The recent advocacy to allow wineries with Producer’s licences to gain equal access to support funding has been successful.

Download the Producer’s License Fact Sheet

Other Policies & Submissions

Victorian Container Deposit Scheme

The wine industry strongly supports the recycling of wine bottles and efforts to improve environmental outcomes. Wine Victoria acknowledges that the Victorian Government’s proposed CDS fits within Recycling Victoria’s broader suite of reforms aimed at reducing waste and making more productive use of resources. Wine Victoria supports the government’s intention to align with other states and continue to exclude wine bottles from its proposed CDS.

View Policy

Cellar Door Rebate

It is the position of Wine Victoria that the current Cellar Door Subsidy – otherwise known as the Victorian Liquor Subsidy (VLS) – accessed by eligible wine producers should be retained by the Victorian Government. Wine Victoria makes this recommendation to ensure our industry remains sustainable, and can continue to support the Government’s economic objectives in relation to regional tourism and job creation. To read our full policy paper and submission on the VLS please click on the link below.

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