Meet the Team

Board Members & Executive Team

Wine Victoria is governed by a board of nine members and an Executive Team. The Board collectively brings together expertise in a range of areas including Viticulture, Communications, Research and Development, Wine Tourism and Estate Management.

Board Members

Executive Team

Become a Member

Providing a strong, united voice for the sector and representing our industry on these issues is vital for the long-term sustainability of all. Although we act for all wine and grape businesses, we are not currently financially supported equitably across the state. Wine Victoria is committed to broadening our membership base and increasing participation from all regions, as well as encouraging direct membership and Associate membership.

Join today

Project Reference Groups and Committees

Kim Chalmers(Wine Victoria Board Representative and Committee Chair)

Dan Buckle(Wine Victoria Board Representative)

Damien Sheehan

David Braybrook

Matt Holmes 

Lachie Thomas 

Fiona Constable

Lucy Etheridge

Matt Partridge

Belinda Thomson

Mark Walpole

Stephanie Duboudin(CEO – Wine Victoria)

Helani Kapi  (Secretariat, Wine Victoria)

Matt FowlesWine Vic board & Fowles Winery

Gordon Gebbie–The Rathbone Wine Group

Scott AustinAustin’s Wine

Stephanie DuboudinCEO Wine Victoria

Paul StaggExecutive Director Trade Global Victoria

Louise Osbourne Lead,  Food & Fibre Exports Global Victoria

Matthew BahenDe Bortoli 

Scott BurtonChair of PCB and Wine Victoria Board Member 

Nick Harris – Senior Policy Officer, Agriculture Victoria 

Will Oldfield –Manager Pathways to Export, Agriculture Victoria 

Become a Supporter

Supporters are an important part of Wine Victoria. They produce goods and services which are of value to our members and they have a desire to see the industry prosper. This program recognises those businesses who support the wine industry and seeks to create a mutually beneficial relationship which we hope will be strong and enduring. If you would like to be a supporter, please complete the application form which can be accessed via the link below. All applications will be reviewed and approved by the relevant Wine Victoria committee.

Register your interest

Supporter Benefits

These benefits are designed to highlight your business as being a strong supporter of the Victorian wine industry and to keep you up to date with what is happening.

  • Receive Wine Victoria e-newsletter and member communications to keep up to date with wine industry activity
  • Invitation to Wine Victoria AGM
  • Company logo and description on Wine Victoria website
  • Invitation to all appropriate Wine Victoria Events

Start the journey

If you have any questions about becoming a Supporter of Wine Victoria please contact us.


Phone (03) 9061 9106
