Bushfire Readiness Resources

Below is a list of useful resources and applications as we prepare for bushfire season. With the weather turning quickly, make sure you and your team have saved these links and applications to your device in the lead up to summer.

Alerts & Warnings

VicEmergency App

VicEmergency is the official Victorian Government app for emergency warnings and information. Download from the App Store or Google Play

Emergency Management Victoria

Victoria’s emergency management sector is made up of more than 60 organisations working in partnership with communities, business and individuals across Victoria. Visit the EMV website and sign up for news here.

Forest Fire Management Victoria

Keep up to date with planned burns across Victoria. Visit the FFM website here.
Opt-in to be notified of planned burns by subscribing to alerts for your postcode here.

EPA AirWatch

Keep up to date on information about Victoria’s air quality measures at EPA AirWatch.

Fire and Smoke Emergency Response Plan

For more essential information to keep you and your business safe during the Victorian bushfire season, visit our Fire Response Portal.