US Market Activation
The USA Market Development Strategy: How to get involved
Thanks to $2.2M of funding from the Victorian Government through Global Victoria, Wine Victoria is pleased to have commenced activation of the USA Market Development Strategy which aims to increase premium Victorian wine sales in the South and South-East states of the United States of America.
The Strategy is divided into two phases and will be completed by early 2024, with the first phase already underway.
Wineries wanting to be involved in the USA Market Development Strategy Program should complete this form.
You can benefit from the program through the following five core initiatives:
Supporting new entrants to the US market
This will primarily be through supporting wineries to participate in the Wine Australia Market Entry Program. This program supports new entrants to the US market through online training specifically designed for wine businesses and executed by Wine Australia. In 2022, the Wine Victoria USA Market Development Strategy contributed funding for 16 Victorian wineries to participate. To express your interest in the 2023 program, please contact: | tel:03 9061 9106
Trade promotions
Wine Victoria will be collaborating with USA distributors, retailers, restaurants and e-commerce platforms to elevate the presence and sales conversion of Victorian wine through these “coal-facing” channels.
Trade shows
Wine Victoria is exhibiting premium Victorian wine at select American trade shows. This year, Wine Victoria attended the Aspen Food and Wine Classic with wines from 10 Victorian producers featured as part of the Wine Australia activation (alongside South Australia and Western Australia). The 2023 and 2024 schedules are yet to be confirmed but will be published here when finalised.
A marketing communications strategy will build awareness of Victorian wine in the USA, engaging with American trade and consumers as well as support the trade promotions. As part of communications strategy, American wine journalist Christina Pickard visited Victoria in November 2022 for a dedicated eight day trip.
Wine and wineries featured in any associated campaigns will be selected based on their sales presence in the USA. We will share campaign creative and results via Wine Victoria’s LinkedIn and Facebook pages so be sure to follow along.
US-based Business Development Manager
Wine Victoria has appointed a Business Development Manager in the USA to drive the program and support wineries. With extensive experience in delivering commercial outcomes through all USA trade channels including importer, distributor, on-premise and off-premise, the Business Development Manager will work alongside the Project Control Board to further the endeavours of Victorian wine businesses in the USA. More details on the new appointment will be announced soon.
This webpage will be updated with new information as it comes to hand along with relevant announcements via LinkedIn and Facebook so please be sure to follow our pages.
Please direct general USA Market Development Strategy enquiries to | tel:03 9061 9106